December 19, 2023 Oral Health

How Important Is Your Oral Health?

How Important Is Your Oral Health?

Oral health is crucial to your overall well-being. Poor dental care can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath which can lead to multiple health issues. Making oral health a priority can help you avoid expensive dental work, tooth loss and other issues.

Why Do You Think Dental Health Is Important?

Your teeth and gums require proper daily care and routine professional attention. Without good oral hygiene, plaque – a sticky film containing bacteria – coats your teeth. Too much plaque buildup puts you at risk for tooth decay and periodontal disease.

These common oral health problems can cause pain, tooth loss, infections, and other complications. Practising excellent dental care is key to keeping your smile healthy and avoiding more serious health issues.

What Are The Benefits Of Oral Health?

How Important Is Your Oral Health?

Healthy teeth and gums benefit your whole body. A clean, well-functioning mouth does more than prevent dental problems.

Your oral health affects your overall well-being in important ways:

Supports Facial Structure – Your teeth hold your facial muscles and tissues in proper alignment. Tooth loss allows structures like your cheeks to sag, causing premature wrinkles and ageing.

Prevents Disease Spread – Harmful bacteria in your mouth can enter your bloodstream through bleeding gums or ulcers in diseased tissue. This bacteria travels to other parts of your body and causes inflammation that damages your cardiovascular system and can affect conditions like arthritis, diabetes, and respiratory diseases.

Aids Digestion – Your teeth are essential for properly chewing and digesting foods. Without strong teeth, you cannot break down foods efficiently for nutrients to be absorbed. Poor digestion can cause gastrointestinal issues.

Enables Clear Speech – Teeth help form sounds and words. Missing teeth or dental appliances like dentures impair your speech.

Boosts Self-Esteem – An attractive smile projects confidence. Crooked, stained, or missing teeth undermine self-confidence and social engagement.

Your oral health impacts your physical and mental health in many ways. Prioritising good dental care should be part of your overall wellness plan.

Can Bad Teeth Affect Your Health? The Risks Of Poor Oral Health

Neglecting your oral hygiene can lead to an array of problems in your mouth, including:

Tooth Decay – Plaque bacteria consume sugar and starch in your diet and excrete acid that erodes tooth enamel. This erosion causes cavities that progressively damage tooth structure and nerves.

Gum Disease – Plaque that is not removed irritates gums and triggers inflammation. Inflamed gums can bleed easily. The spaces allow more bacteria to accumulate, as well as infection and tissue/bone loss.

Bad Breath – Bacteria on the teeth, gums, or tongue create compounds that cause odours and bad breath.

Oral Cancer – Unhealthy cells in the mouth grow out of control, forming malignant tumours in the oral cavity. Smoking and frequent sun exposure are major risk factors.

Cracked/Loose Teeth – Clenching or grinding your teeth wears down the enamel. Weakened teeth are prone to cracking and can become loose or require extraction.

Make oral health a priority to avoid tooth loss, infection, unnecessary pain, and illness. Visit your dentist regularly and practice excellent hygiene.

Do Nice Teeth Make A Difference?

Yes, your smile makes an important first impression and greatly impacts your self-image.

Having an attractive, healthy smile provides confidence. It influences how you feel about yourself and how others perceive you in social, academic, and professional contexts. When you smile and speak, your teeth are on display.

Crooked, stained, worn down, or missing teeth project an image of poor health and self-care. This can undermine your self-esteem and how seriously others take your ideas.

Some people with imperfect smiles avoid social situations and hide their smiles due to feeling self-conscious. This prevents them from developing personal relationships and can hinder professional networking and advancement.

A bright, straight smile conveys an image of youth, self-care, confidence, and professionalism. People associate a nice smile with success, responsibility, trustworthiness, and likeability.

While looks certainly aren’t everything, keeping your teeth attractive provides advantages. A healthy, aligned, white smile can open social and professional doors for you.

What Are The Signs Of Poor Oral Hygiene?

broken teeth

Watch for these signals that you need to improve your oral care routine:

Bad breath – Unpleasant odours come from decay and gum infections.

Red, swollen gums – Inflammation signals gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease. Bleeding when you brush or floss also indicates irritation.

Gum recession – Gums gradually wear away from your teeth, exposing vulnerable root surfaces to decay.

Loose teeth – When bone and gum loss occur, teeth loosen and become unstable.

Tooth sensitivity – Worn enamel exposes the dentin inside your teeth to hot, cold, and touch stimulation.

Toothaches – Cavities and cracked teeth cause pain. The nerve may be inflamed or infected.

White/brown stains – Discoloration results from plaque buildup, foods/drinks, smoking, and medications. Surface stains require professional cleaning, while internal stains need whitening treatments.

Don’t ignore these red flags. See your dentist promptly if you notice any signs of poor oral health. Detecting issues early makes treatment quicker and less invasive.

Where Can You Find Trustworthy Dental Hygiene Treatments In Birmingham?

Are You finding a dental hygienist in Birmingham? If you live in or near Birmingham and want excellent dental care, consider Teeth & Face Birmingham.

Their experienced team provides a full range of general, cosmetic, and specialist treatments to help you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile.

The dentists focus on preventative care to help you avoid extensive dental work. They provide thorough exams, identifying problems early when treatment is simpler.

For issues needing restoration, they offer advanced techniques to restore form and function while preserving natural tooth structure.

The skilled team combines leading-edge technology with a gentle approach. They explain every step so you understand your options. Their office provides a relaxing setting to ease anxiety.

Teeth & Face Birmingham values clear communication, precision, and continuous education. They aim to deliver the highest standard of care and help patients of all ages achieve confident, healthy smiles. Call 0121 820 9638 to book an appointment.

How Much Does It Cost To See A Dental Hygienist In Birmingham, UK?

Understanding typical dental costs in the UK can help you plan your budget:

The cost of Oral Hygiene Treatment in Birmingham varies depending on the services you need:

  • A basic teeth cleaning appointment starts at around £45-55. This includes polishing to remove surface stains and some light plaque removal.
  • A more thorough dental prophylaxis (cleaning) averages £75-85. The hygienist will scale and polish above and below the gumline to remove plaque, tartar buildup, and stains that regular brushing misses. This is recommended for patients who have had a cleaning within the last six months.
  • For patients who haven’t had a professional cleaning in several years, an extensive debridement appointment is often needed. Fees range from £130 or more. The hygienist will devote extra time to meticulously removing heavier tartar, plaque, and stains.

The cost is well worth it to achieve healthy teeth and gums. Regular professional hygiene visits prevent more expensive dental work down the road. Investing in your smile pays dividends for your health and confidence.

How To Finance Your Dental Hygiene Treatments In Birmingham?

To finance your dental Hygiene treatments, explore options that enable you to secure an interest-free loan within minutes—opt for a choice offering monthly payment flexibility without any hidden fees.

Ensure you have extended repayment periods, reaching up to 12 months instead of limiting yourself to 3 or 6 months. This ensures you can manage additional monthly expenses more effectively.

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